PORT HOPE - The 2022/2023 season was one of change for the Port Hope Panthers. A change of Ownership, a change of team personnel, including a new Head Coach and appointed General Manager, and a change of players, eleven (11) to be exact. These off-ice changes resulted in on-ice success as the Panthers finished the year as Tod Division Champions.Earlier this month the team gathered at Dalewood Golf Club to celebrate this special season, thank their volunteers and hand out their annual awards for the 2022/2023 season.
Congratulations to all of our Award Winners!
Most Improved Player: #27 Clayton Farrow
Rookie of the Year: #19 Sidney Wakely
Defenceman of the Year: #14 Tyler McGarvey
Gentleman Award: #26 Carter Clarke
Most Dedicated Player: #7 Connor MacGregor
Team Player (as chosen by the players): #44 Kieran Flynn
Humanitarian: #9 Drew Clapperton
Playoff MVP: #17 Cole Kimble & #21 Josh Sainthill
MVP of the Year: #25 Isaac Langdon
Lorne & Connie Stewart Award: #21 Josh Sainthill
Most Improved Player: #27 Clayton FarrowRookie of the Year: #19 Sidney WakelyDefenceman of the Year: #14 Tyler McGarveyGentleman Award: #26 Carter ClarkeMost Dedicated Player: #7 Connor MacGregorTeam Player (as chosen by the players): #44 Kieran FlynnHumanitarian: #9 Drew ClappertonPlayoff MVP: #17 Cole Kimble & #21 Josh SainthillMVP of the Year: #25 Isaac LangdonLorne & Connie Stewart Award: #21 Josh Sainthill